- What have PMSS to gain from becoming part of a TU?
- Technological University designation will allow the organisation to grow and develop which will create opportunities for career advancement.
- Will organisational change come first before we streamline our processes?
- Some organisational change will need to happen pre establishment to ensure that the TU can carry out its legal functions from day one (e.g. pay suppliers, run payrolls etc). Itis envisaged that other organisational change will take place post establishment.
- Will PMSS functions be required to merge and locate in one campus only?
- In order to ensure the success of the TU it will be necessary to create robust and effective structures across all campuses and both Institutes have experience of multi campus operations already. The new structures will be developed as part of the change management process and this process will include detailed consultation at all stages with staff on all campuses through workstream projects and through the PMSS IR Forum. Current Staff terms and conditions and locations are protected however and there is no compulsory redeployment.
- Who will decide where the various functions are located and what process will be used in coming to this decision?
- See above.
- Where different practices exist between the two Institutes what strategy will be used to decide which one is used in the TU?
- The relevant workstream will look at this as part of the change management programme. The workstreams will include PMSS from both Institutes with experience in the area and staff involvement will be essential at all stages. Any issues arising will be dealt with at the PMSS IR Forum.
- What will happen to staff currently on contracts?
- Staff on contracts will hold their current conditions and current contracts.
- Will my pension be affected by the merger and establishment as a TU?
- There will be no change to public service superannuation pensions as a result of the TU.
- Will faculties and departments be consolidated and courses axed?
- The faculty and departmental structures will be looked at as part of the change management process. The existing key principles in relation to course viability will still apply. It should be noted that currently Carlow and Waterford do not in the main recruit from the same pool of students and it is envisaged that this will continue. It is also likely that the numbers of students will increase once we are designated as TU.
- If a function is moved from one campus to another what happens to the staff left in the original campus?
- Staff will be reassigned retaining their current terms and conditions.
- Will promotional opportunities be limited unless staff are prepared to be redeployed?
- Technological University designation will allow the institutes to grow and diversify which in turn will create promotional opportunities for staff across all campuses. Additional training opportunities will also be developed to allow staff upskill/retrain to meet the needs of the TU. Reassignment in the existing location will be used in the first instance.
- Preparation for the TU will put additional work on PMSS. How will this be supported?
- Additional resources will be required to allow this work be carried out. These will be identified and agreed with PMSS representatives. The landscape funding will support this.
- Policies such as study leave, flexi time etc may exist in one Institute but not the other. How will this be dealt with?
- All existing policies will be reviewed to have uniform policies across the TU. This will involve consultation with staff and their representative union.
- What funding will be put in place to support the TU?
- The TURN report allocates dedicated funding to the TUs for a 3 year period.