February 2022

Ireland’s newest Technological University – South East Technological University (SETU) will be formally established in May 2022. Building on the tremendous achievements and the legacies of Institute of Technology Carlow and Waterford Institute of Technology, SETU will be an engaged, ambitious, student centred, and research led University of international standing, committed to and impacting on the sustainable economic and social development of the region.
SETU will be a multi-campus unitary University with campuses in Waterford, Carlow, Wexford, Wicklow and Kilkenny. It will comprise of circa 2,000 staff and over 18,000 learners, and graduate 6,000 learners per annum. Its annual income will be in excess of €200 million including earned research income of circa €30 million. A defining feature of SETU will be its deep collaboration with industry, enterprise and civic society in the region and beyond, nationally and internationally. Its teaching and learning will be informed by its research and the needs of the business and wider community.
SETU is now seeking an outstanding leader with a proven track record to take on the role of inaugural President and is inviting suitable applicants for the role.
The Role
SETU is very conscious of the critical role the inaugural President will play in the development of the University. They will be the Chief Officer of the University reporting to the Governing Authority and will discharge the statutory obligations and functions as outlined in the Technological Universities Act, 2018 and the Code of Governance for State Bodies.
The Person
As a University, SETU is committed to contributing significantly to the economic, social and cultural development of the South East Region. Therefore, the successful candidate will present a clear vision for the development of the University and its role in the region. They will be a proven leader with expertise and experience in developing and implementing a strategic vision on a comparable scale.
Application and further information
Mazars will be managing all aspects of this recruitment project on behalf of South East Technological University.
Further information on the application process is available at www.mazars.ie (Search Ref. SET0122).
Any enquiries relating to this role should be directed to the Executive Recruitment Team by email to [email protected] or by telephone on +353 (1) 449 4400. All enquiries should be directed to Mazars.
Deadline for applications: Monday, 21 March at 12noon (GMT).
In line with its gender and diversity strategies, SETU is seeking a balanced and diverse pool of candidates.
or download the Candidate Information Booklet as a PDF »