April 2018

The Technological University of the South East Steering Group (TUSE), on behalf of Institute of Technology Carlow and Waterford Institute of Technology warmly welcomes this report commissioned by Kilkenny County Council;
‘From Charter to Framework: the case for 3rd level provision in Kilkenny’.
The overall goal of our ambitious proposal for a Technological University in the South East is to build on the respective histories and distinctive strengths of the two Institutes and also build the economic and social centres of the whole of the South East Region.
The launch of this important publication is strategically well-timed and is very welcome as we develop and strengthen our application to achieve our ultimate objective – a Technological University for the South East.
Through our short and long term planning in a collaborative manner with key stakeholders across the region our objective can be achieved. This document is a significant step forward.
Issued on behalf of Steering Group by Joint Chairpersons; John Moore and Jim Moore.
30th April 2018.