September 2017

Technological University of the South East Project Steering Group Established
The two South East Institutes of Technology at Carlow and Waterford have come together to assert their position as progressive and ambitious HEIs committed to a new higher educational paradigm that will be realised through the creation of a new University, distinct from other current institutional types, with a strong national and international identity. The Technological University of the South East (TUSE) will be configured as an essential component of the national and regional infrastructure required to drive sustainable economic and social regional development. It will be a connected and embedded unitary multi-campus Technological University of international standing; it will be a new academic entity capable of addressing the educational, economic and social deficit of the South East region.
Serving a catchment area of more than one million population, the new University will build upon a current combined provision for over 15,000 learners, 5,000 graduates per year, 2,000 staff and €110m/annum turnover, including €18m/annum in research and innovation expenditure.
The establishment of a TUSE Project Steering Group is a critical element in delivering on this development and its first meeting in December of 2017 was welcomed across both Institutes. The Project Steering Group includes Governing Body and Senior Executive representatives from both organisations and it will also access national and international expertise in Higher Education and third level mergers as well as providing oversight, direction and expertise to ensure a successful outcome for the South East.