October 2018

The TUSE Steering Group has welcomed an announcement by the Minister of State for Higher Education, Mary Mitchell O’Connor T.D., of an additional €6.8 million in funding in support of the ongoing restructuring of the higher education landscape. The allocation includes €1 million towards the Technological University South East Ireland (TUSEI) project. TUSEI, comprising the Institutes of Technology in Carlow and in Waterford, will create the region’s first Technological University.
In her statement Ms. Minister Mitchell O’Connor said ‘In total we are announcing €11.2 million in funding this year to date which will support six significant restructuring projects on the higher education landscape. These projects will build national capacity including in the vital area of research, enhance inter-institutional co-operation to improve teaching and learning and further strengthen the pipeline of skills supply and the interface between higher education and industry which are so important to Ireland’s continued economic recovery.’ The Minister also said that the additional funding to support the development of the technological university sector, including the Technological University South East Ireland, brings the total investment to over €19 million.
This announcement by the Minister follows the successful application by three Dublin based Institutes of Technology, Dublin Institute of Technology, Institute of Technology Blanchardstown and Institute of Technology Tallaght earlier this year, creating Technological University Dublin.